Movie Rental System
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Problem Statement:
You have a movie renting company consisting of n shops. You want to implement a renting system that supports searching for, booking, and returning movies. The system should also support generating a report of the currently rented movies. Each shop carries at most one copy of a movie moviei.The system should support the following functions:
- Search: Finds the cheapest 5 shops that have an unrented copy of a given movie. The shops should be sorted by price in ascending order, and in case of a tie, the one with the smaller shop id should appear first. If there are less than 5 matching shops, then all of them should be returned. If no shop has an unrented copy, then an empty list should be returned.
- Rent: Rents an unrented copy of a given movie from a given shop.
- Drop: Drops off a previously rented copy of a given movie at a given shop.
- Report: Returns the cheapest 5 rented movies (possibly of the same movie ID) as a 2D list res where res[j] = [shopj, moviej] describes that the jth cheapest rented movie moviej was rented from the shop shopj. The movies in res should be sorted by price in ascending order, and in case of a tie, the one with the smaller shopj should appear first, and if there is still tie, the one with the smaller moviej should appear first. If there are fewer than 5 rented movies, then all of them should be returned. If no movies are currently being rented, then an empty list should be returned.
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